In addition to the complete learning program, the Enterprise Engagement Alliance offers tools and services enterprises and solution providers as part of the Enterprise and Solution Provider membership level, along with additional optional support in business development, corporate sustainability reporting, and research on effective program design and effective practices in stakeholder management.
- The People Value Impact Calculator--specifically designed to help organizations better gauge the specific source of value creation and better experiences among their stakeholders; better estimate the cost of low engagement of customers, employees, distribution partners, volunteers, or other stakeholders; analyze the impact of incentive, recognition, loyalty, or other specific initiatives on the organization’s purpose, goals, objecties, or values, and to design more effective and measurable engagement efforts. Organizations can obtain preliminary results within one month of providing data, and can immediately begin using the Master Measurement model to design more effective programs. Gallup estimates that employee disengagement alone costs the world economy $8.8 trillion; what is low customer, employee, or other low stakeholder engagement costing your organization.
- The Stakeholder Management Assessment Calculator—To assess the benefits of Purpose Leadership and stakeholder management, you can confidentially benchmark the maturity of your organization’s stakeholder management practices using the Omindex EEA Stakeholder Management Assessment Calculator. SMAC can now be licensed to organizations to use to thoroughly evaluate their own organizations by conducting the assessment of their own stakeholder leaders, or by advisory firms to help their clients on the quest to stakeholder management.
- The Fasteezy Engagement widget–almost instantly add a graphic widget and functionality to promote referrals, reviews, or suggestions for your organization, the most powerful demonstration of engagement. This provides your organization with the most meaningful evidince of willingness to refer talent, customers, or other stakeholders who can add value. Click here for details.
- Thought leadership and business development services for solution providers. The EEA helps solution providers make sure they have the expertise and demonstrated thought leadership to gain the confidence of clients that they can deliver the promised results as well as a means of identifying and building relationship with the right people over time. Click here for details.
- Corporate Sustainability Reporting for organizations. We help organizations update their corporate sustainability reporting to align with current standards that address all stakeholders and to avoid practices that could lead to accusations of greenwashing. Click here for details.
- Corporate Sustainability Reporting for solution providers. This EEA service helps solution providers develop their own practices to assist organizations with meangingful corporate sustainabilty reporting. Click here for details.
- Independent research on program impact, effective practices. The EEA research team can independently evaluate the effective of process design and outcomes or produce reports and white papers on all aspects of Purpose Leadership, stakeholder management, and corporate sustainability reporting. We recently produced a comprehensive report on the European Union Corporate Sustainabiity Reporting Directive for SITE Global.